I’ve Graduated from College…..What’s Next?
Photo by Bigger Smiles on Unsplash
Cap’s Off to You Graduate!
It’s that time of year! The month of May brings parties and celebrations as people graduate from high school, college, graduate school, and other institutions. If you or a loved one are graduating this spring, excitement abounds! But with that excitement might also come a little angst. After all, the closing of one chapter means the opening of another, and that can bring mixed emotions. And with those mixed emotions, you might be unsettled if you haven’t yet answered the question “what’s next?.”
I vividly remember graduating from college. After completing my coursework in December with plans to attend graduate school, I suddenly found myself with a full semester and summer with no official plans. My graduate school program would not begin until the following Fall, and I didn’t know the best way to fill my time. After 21 years of complete structure, this was unsettling. While I definitely found things to do, I wish that I had the opportunity to reach out to the experts at The Wilbanks Consulting Group. Instead of utilizing the time for professional or personal growth, I found myself biding my time with unfruitful activities until graduate school began.
If you, or a loved one, find yourself graduating into the “great unknown,” there is good news! There are definite steps you can take to ensure that you are on the right path for personal growth and success. And looking back, I wish that I had known about these recommendations, so that my nine months between undergrad and graduate school would have been filled with more fruitful activities. Keep reading if you have recently obtained a degree and haven’t yet solidified your plans after graduation.
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Now What? Making Plans for After Graduation
Graduating will bring a whole host of questions, one of which will likely be “now what?.” Until now, it’s possible that you have felt “safe,” as you always intuitively knew the next step, or your plans were laid out for you. But now as you are graduating with your degree, the world seems a lot bigger as you are trying to navigate “what’s next?.” Don’t worry! You aren’t alone. According to the NY Post, of 2000 people entering adulthood, 34% don’t have a plan, while 41% don’t have a job lined up. And these statistics are only slightly better for people in their senior year of college - in fact, 17% of college seniors have no plans for after graduation.
If you fall into this camp, don’t despair! There is help available. And while decisions of what to do next can seem daunting, it’s critical to utilize the resources available to you to help navigate what to do after receiving your degree.
Continuing Education?
One of the first decisions you need to make is, “am I done with school?” According to the US Department of Education “between fall 2009 and fall 2020, total postbaccalaureate enrollment increased by 10 percent (from 2.8 million to 3.1 million students). [And] By 2030, postbaccalaureate enrollment is projected to be 6 percent higher than in 2020 (3.3 million vs. 3.1 million students).”
If you are considering careers that require an advanced degree, seek wise counsel from various graduate programs as well as individuals pursuing that career. Ask how to navigate the career landscape, how much schooling is necessary, which programs would be most beneficial, and how to achieve a summer internship while waiting for your program to begin.
Joining the Workforce?
If you have made the decision to hang up your backpack and begin full-time employment, you have several options available to help you secure the right job to grow your career.
Photo by Patty Brito on Unsplash
University Career Services
Many universities have their own Career Services department. These services are designed specifically for graduating students and recent alumni who need assistance in the job market. According to Indeed, “Career service departments assist students with almost any aspect of their career from reviewing resumes to helping students decide what jobs they will pursue after graduation.” These departments often provide services for free for students who have attended their university.
While they do provide counsel and career search tool services, they also have partnerships with companies who recruit alumni of the university. They will arrange job fairs and even on-site interviews with companies, so that students can pursue their job search more easily.
It is definitely worth a check-in and consultation to see if your university’s Career Services department can help you. Recognize, however, that because they are meant to service all students of the university, you might not get the individualized help you need. If that’s the case, The Wilbanks Consulting Group is happy to come alongside to supplement additional career services that you need.
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Develop a Job Search Strategy
Whether you utilize your Career Services department, The WIlbanks Consulting Group, or another trusted advisor, it is critical to develop a Job Search Strategy. A S.M.A.R.T. Job Search Strategy will detail all the Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound actions to take to secure a job that will advance your career. This “checklist” for success will help you take the necessary steps during your job search.
Individuals with a focused path tend to be more successful in their job search. A Job Search Strategy will detail things like where to locate a job, how to search, how to network, and even what personal values should be considered.
Post-Graduation Success Depends On Great Support
Graduating from college is exciting….and scary! Let the experts at The WIlbanks Consulting Group partner with you to develop a Job Search Strategy to set you up for success in the next chapter of your life. After creating the roadmap for your Job Search, we can help you develop critical job search tools like a polished resume, LinkedIn profile, and even get you ready for your first interview.
We look forward to the opportunity to help you advance the next steps in your life!