Advice For Job Seekers

Stay the Course; Create a Fresh Start

Searching for a job is hard work – and it is easy to get discouraged and grow weary during the process. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics in an article by Indeed, it takes on average five months to find a new job. For leaders at the director level and higher, it can often take as long as 18 months. If you are at the point of discouragement, it’s time to reframe your job search. And if you are just beginning your job search, let’s ensure that you create some key success factors early in the process.

Your Job Search is a FULL-TIME Job
Searching for a job can be intimidating, especially if you have not been in the job market for quite some time. Our advice to successful job seeking is considering your search your full-time job. Just as you spend upward of 40 hours a week while employed, it is critical to spend quality time looking for a role. And keep in mind, this does not necessarily mean you spend 40+ hours behind a computer. Just as you have meetings, seminars, conferences, and training sessions while working, it is important to keep your skills fresh and your relationships current while searching for a new role. Balance the need for continued training, networking, refreshing job search tools (e.g., resume and LinkedIn), and searching for roles.

Network, Network, Network
Another piece of advice for job seekers is to network. In addition to traditional networking activities (e.g., functional groups, job search networks), consider that every situation you are in throughout the day is an opportunity to make a job connection. You may be at the grocery store, your child’s soccer game, or a social event with friends. Spark up conversation and meet someone new. Listen to their experiences and ask what they do professionally. You may meet someone who will be a connection to your next role!

Your Elevator Speech
When you do meet new contacts, it is critical that you have a concise summary of your background and how you can contribute to a new employer. Our advice for job seekers is take the time to think through your “Elevator Speech” (coined such that in the event you have an elevator ride with the CEO, what would you say?). Be prepared to bring your key points into conversation casually, but deliberately.

Update Your Job Search Tools
When did you last update your resume and LinkedIn Profile? Do you need to dust it off and make it a bit more current? Whether your job search is just beginning or you have been at it for awhile, our advice for job seekers is to take the opportunity to look at your search tools with fresh eyes. Have a friend look and give you an honest critique. Consider having a professional review your resume and/or LinkedIn profile. If you need a specialist, The Wilbanks Consulting Group is happy to partner with you to update your resume or LinkedIn profile. 

Get Organized
At the end of summer, life gets more intense – fall activities kick off, the weather is cooler, and more extra-curricular opportunities seem to fill the calendar. If you tended to relax your normal habits during the summer, take this opportunity to create a fresh start for yourself. Start tracking contacts you make, positions on which you apply, upcoming interviews, and follow-up needed for open positions. Take the time to set up a great tracking system for yourself. And then use it!

If you need assistance during your job search, The Wilbanks Consulting Group is happy to help! We offer extensive advice for job seekers along with resume writing, LinkedIn profile building to help you develop a Job Search Strategy and interview tips. We are experienced and available. Reach out today!

By: Career Consultant, Challie Sherrill

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