Returning to the Office

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The world has lived through one change after another in the past year. Many people learned to work remotely when they hadn’t before, employees in industries that couldn’t work from home got used to less crowded offices and workspaces, and others have or are in the midst of starting a new job or career. As the world begins to return to the office, it’s normal to feel anxious.

You Are Not Alone!

A recent Harvard Business Review Article stated, “If you’re feeling social anxiety about returning to the office, you’re not alone. Many folks are feeling unsettled. After over a year of remote work — and seeing our coworkers only on screen — the idea of seeing everyone again in person can feel overwhelming. And since the Covid landscape is still in flux, it’s hard to feel sure about how long the ‘return to normal’ will last.”

Review Your Personal Space

Many have become accustomed to less human interaction or being alone the entire day. Naturally, we’re not accustomed to taking calls quietly, wearing headphones, sharing workspaces, or returning to the office in general. Coincidentally, July was Cell Phone Courtesy Awareness month; therefore, it’s a good idea to think of those unwritten rules regarding your personal devices. Remember to not talk on speaker phone around others, silence your devices before meetings, hide the screen to remain in the moment during conversations, use hands free devices in the car, etc.

Be Patient

Whether you are returning to the office after solely being remote for over a year, you have worked face to face the entire time, but with fewer people, or you’re faced with figuring out how to work a new hybrid schedule know that everyone is going through a mental shift to the new normal. It’s important to be patient and empathetic with yourself and your co-workers and speak up about your flexibility needs as well as your safety concerns.

Try Something New

Growing research shows that many Americans are reconsidering actually returning to their current jobs or offices - the return to office anxiety might be more deeply seeded than concerns regarding new office norms, safety, and etiquette. Many of us have determined we want to try something new career wise and the push to return to the office may present a pivotal decision point.

Visit Our Site!

If you are feeling anxious about your return to the office, a free consultation with one of our consultants can help you assess your options. If you’re considering a career change, or have already started down the path of a career change, the team at The Wilbanks Consulting Group is happy to help. We offer a job seekers forum to provide you with resources and support. Reach out to a qualified career coach today.

Discuss how to return to the office and be your best self with one of our career experts.

- Career Consultant, Emily Elking

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